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Application to join ERMA

ERMA network brings together a number of organisations from the public and private sectors covering the entire raw materials value chain. The Alliance initially focused on the most pressing needs, that is, increasing EU resilience in the supply chains for rare earth magnets and motors, batteries, and fuel cells.

Below you will find the application to join ERMA Partner Network. Upon submitting the application, Primary Contact listed in the application form will receive an email confirmation and a link to create a user profile in ERMA Partner Area. Once the Primary Contact is registered and logged into ERMA Partner Area, they will be requested to check whether the information provided in the application form is correct and submit it for final approval to ERMA team. Once the application is approved, the registered users can log in to ERMA Partner Area, view and update data of their organisation at any point. For more information on ERMA Partner Area and instructions, please click here.

Before submitting the application, please read carefully the text of the DECLARATION and the ERMA COMPLIANCE ADVICE (HERE you will find the version of the Compliance Advice and the Declaration in the French language). By signing this electronic Declaration you confirm that you share the vision and goals of ERMA and that you wish to become a partner. 

All fields are mandatory.
* High-level representative is an authorized representative entitled to legally bind the organization in an agreement.