Investment channel for raw materials projects
EIT RawMaterials has set up an agile and fast process to bring raw materials projects into an investment channel, review and approve them to secure the most suitable financing options:

What makes ERMA a unique platform for investment opportunities?
ERMA offers
- a unique network of organizations across the raw materials value chain consisting to date of 350+ companies, 100+ associations, 70+ universities and research organizations, next to several financial institutions, national authorities, ministries and NGOs in Europe and beyond.
- a consultation process to pre-align with public stakeholders on preliminary investment themes and cases in order to create buy-in and identify critical bottlenecks such as regulations, permits or operating licenses.
- technical and market intelligence supporting a high investment attractiveness of cases based on their strategic relevance, impact and financial metrics provided by our highly skilled team.
- investment matchmaking through the RawMaterials Investment Platform (RMIP) to ensure high investment success rates. Various financing sources (grant, equity, loan, mixed) are part of this process, with individual investment volumes and structures.
Examples of investment opportunities
Example 1: Rare earths magnet and motors
Rare earths magnets enable the manufacturing of state-of-the-art electric motors and generators. ERMA will support production assets in Europe that offer a high degree of automation and innovative process technologies. Possible investment cases range from brown- and greenfield investments into the chemical separation of rare earths to the design, manufacturing and recycling of magnets used for example in automotive and energy application.
Example 2: Materials for energy storage and conversion
Battery plants and fuel cell projects are dependent on the import of high-purity advanced materials. ERMA will support the domestic production of ore concentrates and primary and secondary cell-grade energy storage materials to fill gaps in the battery value chain in Europe. Possible investment cases range from greenfield mining to converters for providing the input material for cell production.
How to join ERMA
ERMA welcomes all industrial and non-industrial stakeholders, including NGOs, trade unions, national governments, regions, European as well as non-European, that commit to developing sustainable raw material value chains for Europe, and to building resilience, competitiveness and skills.
To join the alliance, please visit and submit the online application. Participation is open to all stakeholders and is free of charge. Services as outlined above will be charged on an individual basis.
How to submit an investment proposal
The investment proposals can be submitted at any time through the dedicated online form. For further information, please write to All correspondence and interactions with EIT RawMaterials are treated strictly confidential. An NDA can be closed at any time.